Dickens Bilingual Novels: "Dong Bei Father and Son" Chapter 17 Part 04

2012-08-31 「 1569 words / 3 minute 」
Dickens Bilingual Novels: "Dong Bei Father and Son" Chapter 17 Part 04.jpg
'But I'm behind the time, you understand,' heobservedin apology, passing his hand nervously down the whole row of bright buttons on his coat, and then up again, as if they were beads and he were telling them twice over: 'and I would rather have my dear boy here. It's an old-fashioned notion, I daresay. He was always fond of the sea He's'—and he looked wistfully at Walter—'he's glad to go.'
'Uncle Sol!' cried Walter, quickly, 'if you say that, I won't go. No, Captain Cuttle, I won't. If my Uncle thinks I could be glad to leave him, though I was going to be made Governor of all the Islands in the West Indies, that's enough. I'm a fixture.'
'Wal'r, my lad,' said the Captain. 'Steady! Sol Gills, take an observation of your nevy.
Followingwith his eyes the majestic action of the Captain's hook, the old man looked at Walter.
'Here is a certain craft,' said the Captain, with a magnificent sense of the allegory into which he was soaring, 'a-going to put out on a certain voyage. What name is wrote upon that craft indelibly? Is it The Gay? or,' said the Captain, raising his voice as much as to say, observe the point of this, 'is it The Gills?'