Asian buyers snapped up impressionist paintings

2015-05-10 「 3197 words / 6 minute 」
Asian buyers snapped up impressionist paintings.jpg
亚洲买家在纽约的苏富比(Sotheby’s)春季拍卖会上抢购印象派绘画,买下五大顶级拍品中的三件,包括一幅梵高(Vincent Van Gogh)的风景画,并在3.683亿美元的拍卖总额中占到大约三分之一。
Asian buyers snapped up Impressionist paintings at Sotheby’s spring auction in New York, buying three of the sale’s top five lots, including a Vincent Van Gogh landscape, and making up about one-third of the $368.3m raised.
Art collecting has soared in Asia in recent years, mainly led by a new breed of ultra-wealthy Chinese collecting both classical and contemporary pieces and building private galleries in China.
根据欧洲艺术基金会(European Fine Art Foundation)的一份报告,中国和英国并列2014年全球第二大艺术品市场,各占22%的销售份额。
According to a report by the European Fine Art Foundation, China was the world’s joint second largest art market in 2014 with a 22 per cent share of sales, alongside the UK.
苏富比的这场拍卖会揭开了春季拍卖的序幕,共有69件拍品。一位不愿透露姓名的亚洲收藏家支付6630万美元买下梵高的《阿里斯康的小路》(L’Allée des Alyscamps,见上图),这幅色调丰富的秋季景象画于1888年。画作完成之后不久,这名荷兰艺术家割下了自己的耳朵。
Sotheby’s sale, which kicked off the spring auctions, saw 69 lots go under the gavel. An unidentified Asian collector paid $66.3m for Van Gogh’s “L’Allée des Alyscamps” (pictured), a rich-hued depiction of an autumnal scene painted in 1888 shortly before the Dutch artist sliced off his ear.
本次拍卖包括莫奈(Claude Monet)的五件作品,拍卖总额在苏富比历届印象派和现代艺术拍卖会上排名第二。2014年11月举行的纽约拍卖会达到4.221亿美元的拍卖总额。
The auction, which included five works by Claude Monet, achieved the second-highest result in Sotheby’s history for any auction of impressionist and modern art. The November 2014 New York sale brought in $422.1m.
The Van Gogh achieved the highest price at auction for a work by the painter since 1998.
Chinese buyers — like the Japanese before in the late 1980s — are proving big fans of the Dutch painter.
去年11月中国电影制片人王中军以6180万美元买下梵高的《静物,插满雏菊和罂粟花的花瓶》(Still Life, Vase with Daisies and Poppies),远远超出3000万至5000万美元的估价。
Last November Wang Zhongjun, a Chinese film producer, bought Van Gogh’s “Still Life, Vase with Daisies and Poppies”, for $61.8m, more than its $30m-to-$50m estimate.
“L’Allée des Alyscamps” last sold for $11.8m in 2003. It was first owned by the proprietors of the café where Van Gogh lodged in the city of Arles and was later held in a private collection in Japan.
For over a third of the works it was the first time they had gone on sale in half a century. Others included one of Claude Monet’s water lilies series of paintings while his 1905 impressionist painting “Nymphéas” sold for $54m.
毕加索(Pablo Picasso)的《Femme au chignon dans un fauteuil》拍得2993万美元,而马克•夏卡尔(Marc Chagall)的《Crépuscule ou la maison rouge》拍得500万美元多一点。
Pablo Picasso’s “Femme au chignon dans un fauteuil” went for $29.93m while Marc Chagall’s “Crépuscule ou la maison rouge” was sold for just over $5m.
其它画作出自保罗•克利(Paul Klee)、埃德加•德加(Edgar Degas)、瓦西里•康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)和勒内•马格利特(René Magritte)等艺术家之手。
Other artists whose works were included were Paul Klee, Edgar Degas, Wassily Kandinsky and René Magritte.