Li Bo's wife asked the Hong Kong police to cancel the case Missing Hong Kong bookseller's wife seeks to retract police rep

2016-01-13 「 2292 words / 5 minute 」
Li Bo's wife asked the Hong Kong police to cancel the case Missing Hong Kong bookseller's wife seeks to retract police rep.jpg
The mystery surrounding the disappearance from Hong Kong of a publisher who sold books critical of China’s top leaders has taken another twist after his wife asked police to cancel her missing person’s report.
Hong Kong police said his wife, who reported Lee Bo missing last week, tried to rescind the report on Monday but they were still investigating the case “in a proactive manner”, in line with rules that only the missing person themselves can close such a case.
Meanwhile, Taiwan’s state news agency published a handwritten letter that it said had been faxed by Mr Lee to a colleague at their Causeway Bay Bookstore, in which the publisher said that he had gone to the mainland urgently and of his own volition to “co-operate with a relevant investigation”.
《环球时报》(Global Times)周二发表的社论先是支持了李波正在内地“协助调查”的说法,接着对李波的业务发起抨击。
In an editorial published on Tuesday, the Global Times, lent support to the theory that Mr Lee was “assisting an investigation” in the mainland before launching an attack on his business.
“Causeway Bay Books almost only publishes and sells mainland-related political books, many of which contain maliciously fabricated content,” it said. “Those books have through various channels entered into the mainland and have become a source of certain political rumours, which have caused some evil influence to some extent.”
China’s foreign ministry has said it had no information on the case.
Human rights campaigners say that security forces in China often detain dissidents and those accused of political crimes without informing their family or explaining why they are being held.
但香港特别行政区行政长官梁振英(CY Leung)在周一强调,内地执法人员并没有权利在港执法,并表示尚无迹象显示内地参与了李波失踪事件。
But they have no legal right to operate in Hong Kong, a point reinforced on Monday by CY Leung, the territory’s chief executive, who added that there was as yet “no indication” that China was involved in the disappearance of the booksellers.