The emperor of Japan wants to abdicate for the first time in 200 years

2016-07-15 「 3196 words / 6 minute 」
The emperor of Japan wants to abdicate for the first time in 200 years .jpg
Emperor Akihito of Japan Plans to Abdicate Throne, Broadcaster Says
TOKYO — For the first time in nearly two centuries, an emperor of Japan has said that he will abdicate the throne before he dies.
明仁天皇现年82岁。1989年,他继承战时的天皇——父亲裕仁天皇的皇位。根据NHK的报道,明仁天皇告诉身边的助手,他有意在离世前将皇位传给自己的儿子——现年56岁的皇太子德仁。这样的举动在现代可谓史无前例:上一位退位的天皇是于1817年退位的光格天皇(Emperor Kokaku)。
According to NHK, the public broadcaster in Japan, Emperor Akihito, 82, who in 1989 succeeded his father, the wartime Emperor Hirohito, told close aides that he intended to pass the throne to his son, Crown Prince Naruhito, 56, before he dies. No modern emperor has done so: The last emperor to abdicate was Emperor Kokaku, in 1817.
The emperor’s role is now entirely ceremonial. Until the end of World War II, the Japanese public revered the emperor as a demigod, and he served as commander in chief of the army. After Hirohito surrendered at the end of World War II, the country’s U.S. occupiers stripped him of all political authority.
According to NHK, Akihito, who was treated for prostate cancer in 2003 and underwent heart surgery in 2012, plans to make a formal announcement shortly.
“这份工作很累人,”天普大学东京校区当代亚洲研究所(Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies at Temple University in Tokyo)的所长罗伯特·杜加里克(Robert Dujarric)说,“他年龄越来越大了。”
“It’s a tiring job,” said Robert Dujarric, director of the Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies at Temple University in Tokyo. “He’s getting old.”
Akihito may be trying to avoid the drama of his own succession. His father was ill for many years before his death.
“天皇似乎希望让继承事务更简洁、更实事求是,”华盛顿的美国外交关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)资深日本事务研究员希拉·A·史密斯(Sheila A. Smith)说道。
“This emperor seems to want to make it easier and make it more matter of fact,” said Sheila A. Smith, senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington.
然而,在NHK的报道出来后,左倾报纸《朝日新闻》报道,宫内厅(Imperial Household Agency)次长山本信一郎(Shinichiro Yamamoto)否认了天皇要退位的报道,称他“没有这样的打算”。
After the NHK report, however, the Asahi Shimbun, a left-leaning newspaper, reported that Shinichiro Yamamoto, deputy director of the Imperial Household Agency, denied the abdication report, saying that the emperor had “no such intention.”
A spokesman for the Imperial Household Agency could not immediately be reached for comment.
The report of the planned abdication comes just three days after the Liberal Democratic Party of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and its allies won a commanding victory in parliamentary elections, capturing two-thirds of the seats in the upper house, the amount required to initiate a constitutional revision. Abe has long had an ambition to overturn the constitutional clause that calls for Japan’s complete renunciation of war.
Although the emperor has no official political authority, Naruhito could offer a counterpoint to Abe’s goals.