China’s production restrictions have caused bearish coal players to miss

2016-07-31 「 5518 words / 11 minute 」
China’s production restrictions have caused bearish coal players to miss.jpg
If the first rule of macro trading is “don’t fight the Fed” then the first rule of raw materials must be “don’t fight Beijing”.
It is a truth coal traders are discovering after China upended the market with plans to impose a five-day working week in a bid to cut overcapacity.
Since the policy was announced in March, the price of thermal coal has risen by 20 per cent as Chinese traders have been forced to chase cargoes in the seaborne market or draw down stocks.
煤炭价格上涨令很多市场参与者措手不及,此前他们押注于热煤价格经历又一个价格下跌之年。用于发电的热煤是嘉能可(Glencore)和力拓(Rio Tinto)等矿业公司的利润来源。
The rally has wrongfooted many market participants who were betting on another year of falling prices for thermal coal, which is used to generate electricity and is a source of profits for mining houses such as Glencore and Rio Tinto.
At least one big participant, traders say, has been caught on the wrong side of a major position that was designed to protect against falling prices. Beijing’s directive has also turned on its head the widely held view that Chinese imports of thermal coal would dwindle from the 140m tonnes purchased last year.
“看跌热煤价格的机构(我们是其中规模最大的机构之一)今年被提醒,与中国政府对抗是不明智的,”麦格理(Macquarie)大宗商品研究主管科林•汉密尔顿(Colin Hamilton)表示,“只要中国仍是重要的热煤进口国,它就会设定价格。”
“Thermal coal bears, among which we were one of the biggest, have been reminded this year that it is not wise to fight the Chinese government,” says Colin Hamilton, head of commodity research at Macquarie. “As long as China remains a meaningful thermal coal importer, it will act as a price setter.”
For years China has been trying to put coal on a more stable footing, but the latest reforms are some of the first to have an immediate impact on the broader market. Mines normally operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The benchmark price for Asia — thermal coal shipped from the Australian port of Newcastle — is up by more than a quarter since its lows in January and now trades above $61 a tonne. Other coal markers have seen similar gains but remain well below their 2008 peaks of nearly $200 a tonne.
Analysts estimate domestic production in China was down 10 to 15 per cent in May from a year ago, while latest official data point towards rising imports.
咨询公司Wood Mackenzie热煤研究部主管安迪•罗伯茨(Andy Roberts)表示:“在中国宣布‘限产’举措之前,我们曾认为,(今年)海运进口将降至1.10亿吨左右。但如今,我们认为,进口量将保持在1.40亿吨甚至可能更高一点。”
“Before China announced its ‘de-capacity’ efforts, we thought seaborne imports would fall to about 110m tonnes [this year]. But now, we think they’ll hold at 140m tonnes or maybe even get a bit higher,” says Andy Roberts, head of thermal coal research at Wood Mackenzie, a consultancy.
分析师们表示,国内产量下滑的同时,中国需求上升,因炎热的夏季耗电量增加。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)估计,今年6月燃煤发电量环比增长5%,7月和8月将进一步增长。
Analysts say the decline in domestic production has coincided with increased demand in China, as power consumption picks up over the hot summer months. Morgan Stanley reckons coal-fired power production rose 5 per cent month-on-month in June and will rise further through July and August.
摩根士丹利分析师汤姆•普赖斯(Tom Price)表示:“需求增速加快以及供应受限的双重作用,已导致库存下降。”
“The combination of rising demand growth and impaired supply has prompted an inventory drawdown,” says Morgan Stanley analyst Tom Price.
Globally, thermal coal production has been declining for more than a year as the collapse in prices has forced miners to scrap new projects.
But traders who handle millions of tonnes of coal a year say the recovery in prices cannot be solely explained by decisions taken by China. A weaker US dollar and the oil price, which has almost doubled from its January low, have also contributed. Another influence has been the derivatives market.
Traders say a producer had been selling call options to banks in the over-the-counter market. These trades, known as covered positions, were profitable as long as prices kept declining. But that is no longer true. A seller of a call option pockets a premium upfront but delivers an asset at a specified price or time if it is exercised by the holder.
Faced with growing losses on the call options as coal prices rallied through June, traders say the producer has been forced to buy futures contracts to hedge its position. But the volume of futures it has been trying to buy has been so big that it has pushed up prices.
The view in the market is that the call options expire in September and December, one reason traders believe prices might have peaked for 2016.
“We do not expect this China induced tightness to hold beyond the next couple of months,” says Mr Hamilton. Others are not sure. Citigroup says prices could hit $90 a tonne if La Niña brings heavy rain to Australia and Indonesia.