Follow Li Bai and Du Fu to travel. Tang and Song literary chronicle map is online

2017-04-24 「 2671 words / 5 minute 」
Follow Li Bai and Du Fu to travel. Tang and Song literary chronicle map is online .jpg
A new website which features an interactive map showing where and when famous Chinese poets from the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties lived has taken the Internet by storm.
Created by several Chinese historians, the Poet Life Map received more than 2.2 million views in the two days after its launch at the end of March.
"I think it's brilliant. What a shame that I discovered that many Tang poets had been to more places than I have," Tan Hao, a Shanghai-based media worker, told the Global Times.
"Our goal is to create a chronological and geographical literature map for teaching and research purposes," Wang Zhaopeng, a professor at the South-Central University for Nationalities and head of the project, told news website The Paper.
For researchers of literature or history, a major challenge they face is that information about ancient poets or poetry as related to a particular place tends to be scattered among countless text materials.
With this map, researchers can select a particular city or region and see a list of all the great poets and writers who once lived there as well as information concerning what works they wrote during their stay there.
Wang explained that the project took five years and involved over 100 participants.
"Now that we've made some progress, I think the map will not only prove useful for research but also help trigger people's interest in ancient Chinese poetry," Wang said.
前往网站(, 你可以看到一张满是标记的中国地图。点击一个特别的标记,会弹出一个文本框,上面介绍着这个区域的古诗词历史。
Heading to the website (, one can find a map of China covered in markers. Clicking on a particular marker will reveal a text box with information about the region's poetry history.
For example, clicking on Hangzhou in East China's Zhejiang Province reveals that "from 667 to 1315, a total of 93 poets once lived here and 1,841 poems were written here."
Additionally, the map keeps track of when a particular poet stayed in the place and at what age, such as "731, Du Fu, 19 years old" for Hangzhou.