The atmosphere of conspiracy theory that enveloped the Trump administration

2017-08-03 「 1312 words / 3 minute 」
The atmosphere of conspiracy theory that enveloped the Trump administration.jpg
在有关安东尼?斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci,见上图)短暂任期的所有说法中,最有趣的(从各种意义上来说)出现在Axios网站上一篇短短的帖子中。
Of all the theories for the short tenure of Anthony Scaramucci, the most intriguing — in every sense — crops up in a short Axios post.
该网站报道称,它听说唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)的女儿伊万卡?特朗普(Ivanka Trump)以及她的丈夫贾里德?库什纳(Jared Kushner)“起用斯卡拉穆奇的目的是将其作为摧毁(前任白宫幕僚长)雷恩斯?普里巴斯(Reince Priebus)的一个工具……从他们的角度来看,他完成了首要任务:摧毁雷恩斯”。
The website reports it hears that Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter, and her husband Jared Kushner “brought in Scaramucci as an instrument of destruction against Reince Priebus [former chief of staff]?.?.?.?[From] their perspective he served his primary purpose: destroying Reince”.
这听上去像是与英国《金融时报》和其他很多媒体青睐的解读相反,它们认为,斯卡拉穆奇不再担任特朗普的通讯联络主管,更主要的原因是普里巴斯的继任者约翰?凯利(John Kelly)。据说,这位前海军陆战队上将希望给无序的白宫设定一些军事纪律,坚持未来所有的政府官员必须经过他与总统接触,包括特朗普的女儿和女婿。
It sounds like the opposite of the interpretation favoured by the Financial Times and many others, that the demise of Mr Scaramucci as the US president’s communications director owed more to the arrival of Mr Priebus’s successor, John Kelly. The former marine general is said to want to stamp some military discipline on the disorderly White House, insisting that in future all administration officials go through him to get to the president — including Mr Trump’s daughter and son-in-law.